
Wizard Wednesday: Easy micro-clamps

For those of you who have ever done any kind of paper modeling, you probably know the frustration that comes from trying to figure out a good way to hold two pieces of paper/cardstock together long enough and flat enough for the glue to dry well. I myself ran into this problem a couple days ago when gluing some WhiteWings together. I started ransacking my garage looking for some small pieces of wood which I could squeeze between two clothes pins when I came across something better: Contrux! These handy little plastic girders are just the right size for clothes pins to grip (in either a parallel or perpendicular orientation) and provide a nice, flat, smooth, reinfored clamping surface. You could probably even use the 'curve' pieces to clamp around a curve!

In other news, I won an internet 'Caption-a-Comic' contest. Check it out here, and check out my winning entry from the link!

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