
It's done!

About a year and a half ago, I embarked on a project, a journey, if you will, into...somethinghood. Namely, I began building a bunkbed for the two oldest kids, with the assumption that some day we would have more kids and want a place to put them.

This last weekend - much past due and somewhat over budget - I completed the last (for now) step on said bunkbeds and installed them in the kids' room:

When I say 'done' and 'complete', I use the term sort of as George Lucas uses it: I reserve the right to change things later, and there is probably stuff that will need to be added/changed later. But for now, we have bunkbeds, and b. is very excited. s. would be sleeping on the bottom bunk, except that he is too young to be relied apon to stay put without walls to keep him in. Maybe when he's 3?

I'm also proud to point out that they don't wobble, although whether this is due to my excellent craftmanship, or due to the fact that the floor undulates at a similar frequency to the legs is untested at this point, and will remain so for the sake of my ego.

1 comment:

Charles W said...

That is great it doesn't wobble- most bunks do: store-bought or otherwise.

How does the gal make it into the top bunk?