
Coming soon?

I have several thoughts regarding churchy stuff and martial arts, that are currently rattling around in my head. Hopefully they will coalesce into some coherent posts soon. In the mean time, here are some tidbits to keep you amused*

Very cool!

Speaking of martial arts, a co-worker sent me this link. Some very impressive and creative photography going on there.

For your amusement:

In the vein of Star Wars (yes, I'm still on about that) I offer you the following two videos which do their best to bring the worlds of Star Trek and Star Wars together:
This and this
Warning: One of the above videos contains gratuitous and excessive amounts of William Shatner. You have been warned.

Shooooot Dang!

As an ex-Texan (can you ever really become and EX-Texan?) I don't feel that I get to holler that often enough. Here is a video of a guy who has a talent that is not entirely useless, but is fairly....hick.

*Amused: A - Mused. I.E. uninspired to do anything creative, but rather to sit and suck meaningless entertainment from whatever source is readily available (e.g. the interwebs, this blog, el televisora, and cetera).

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