
Either too much red, or not enough.

Warning: The following contains a...unique picture of Sean Connery. Be prepared to avert your eyes

It's been a while since I've done one of my thrice-weekly Cetera posts, so here we go:

Cowboys, Indians or cowboy Indians?

No, not that kind of Indian. I heard a blurb on NPR today about a new occupation in New Delhi: Cattle Wranglers. Apparently the city administrators are getting fed up with the Brahmas clogging up the thoroughfare, so they have started hiring brave young men to round them up, put them in carts, and take them to farms in the countryside. These cowboys have to deal with a) bulls with Really Big Horns (at one point one got mad and injured 20 people), and b) people who worship the bulls.

The head wrangler they interviewed said that they had removed about 100,000 bulls from the New Delhi area, which leaves about 20,000 to go. (The article above sites lower numbers. It is probably more correct, but I like the idea of hundreds of thousands of bulls wandering around the capital of India. Probably I just heard wrong.)

Talk about a load of bull.

Indian Cowboys: 2 sneezes

My eyes!!!

A co-worker and I were discussing this and that and, of course, Sean Connery came up. I wanted to find a picture of him in all his finery from the movie Sword of the Valiant, but when I did a google image search I couldn't find a good one. I did, however, find this gem.

Beeteedubya, if you happen to find a good picture of The Green Knight and his Holey armor, send me a link.

Sean Connery having the chutzpa to wear that outfit: 3 sneezes
Sean Connery
actually wearing that outfit: 1 sneeze
Me actually seeing a picture of Sean Connery wearing that outfit: Blue Nostrils

Rhett & Link

And finally - and because no Cetera post is complete without at least one video - here's a vid of Rhett & Link giving you a message your friend just couldn't deliver

I also heartily recommend the Fireworks song and the Cornhole Song.

Rhett & Link: 3 sneezes!

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