
Frighteningly addictive

While this is normally a description I use for such things as Cookies 'n' Cream ice cream, cashews and heroin, I'm applying it to something different this evening.

Today I discovered a little game called Canabalt. Not surprisingly, there is a flash version, but there is also an iPhone app and a downloadable portable app which will install to a usb drive or anywhere else for that matter.

Are regular games just too hard to figure out? No worries with Canabalt. You have one choice: jump, or don't jump. Okay, so it's a little bit more complicated then that, since you also have to figure out how high to jump, and you have about a 10th of a second to make the right decision, but you really should give it a try.

My current record is 1950m, btw, so let me know when you beat that. Oh, and my personal nemeses are windows. If that sounds cryptic, try the game. You'll understand.

Edit: Within 5 minutes of posting this, I of course more than doubled my high score to 4280. Take that!
P.S.: The boxes aren't always your enemies.
Edit again: To test the theory presented in the PS above, I did a couple of runs trying to hit every box. I made it 3360m before failing a jump. Hmmm...

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