
Vulgarity: the opiate of the asses

See what I did there?

So after clicking through the link on my post about blocks to make sure it actually worked (yes, I proofreed my posts) I was reminded of a basic fact of humanity in general, and the interwebs specifically: If you give bored people free rein to express themselves they almost invariably degenerate to vulgarities.

As I was playing around with the letters and enjoying the apparent emptiness of the site, I started arranging the letters into a crossword, seeing how many of them I could use up before someone arrived and started moving them. I was doing pretty well (having managed to use both 'velociraptor' and 'quixotic') when someone showed up and started stealing my letters to make swear words, at which point I left to finish the post.

I must say that I admire the Bard in his ability to throw around some of the dirtiest lines penned in the English language, while still making them original and clever. See, boys, Shakespeare wasn't all about kissing and stuff. Willy FTW.

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