
Saint Roles

...Not to be confused with CreSaint Rolls.

Here's my deep thought during church today. It has nothing to do with the sermon, more with something I'd been mulling over from a bunch of comments that were made about the RC church on a web forum where I lurk:

The role of the Saints should be not to stand between us and God, but rather to point us toward God. They should act as a road or pathway leading us toward God, rather than a door by which we can access God.

It seems to me that - at least on a surface level - the role of the Saints in those churches where they have a role, is as mediators, or someone to whom we go instead of going to God. Instead of praying to God, we ask the Saints to pray to God on our behalf.

I am much more compelled to look at the lives of the Saints and the things they did - whether real or legendary, since I'll never know for sure which is which - and instead attempt to emulate the way that they related to God.

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