
In your heeeaaad...

In your heeeaaaaaaad,
Zo-ombie, zo-ombie, zo-ombie-eee-eee-eee

No, what's actually in my head (and is quite possibly even creepier than zombie) is Jack Nicholson's voice, saying:

"Sell crazy some place else. We're all stocked up here."

It's a great line, that I wanted to have turned into a door sign, but I'm not sure I can go with it, now that I know who said it.

Speaking of zombies, if you haven't heard/seen this, well, even I enjoyed it, and I'm not a fan of the whole zombie movement. But be careful. The music gets stuck...in...YOUR BRAIN!!!! MUAH-HAAH-HAAH-HAAAAAA!

I apologize for that.

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